Product Description
Proprietary Formula from Japan
- Premium Grade Japan Patented Nano Collagen Peptides (5000mg)
- 4 types of Plant Polyphenols & rich in Vitamin C
- 100% natural (no preservative, additive, artificial colouring and stablizer)
- Lower molecular weight of Japan nano collagen peptide allows quicker assimilation into the body within 1 hour
- Ingredients: Beetroot, Figs, Hawthorn, Acerola Cherry, Collagen Peptide (Fish)
- Suitable for: Daily beauty care regimen for ladies
- With MOH Certified
- Country of Origin: Taiwan
- Achieve anti-aging
- Protect against radical damage
- Improve skin complexion & elasticity
- Lock in skin moisture & prevent loss of collagen
- Promote natural collagen production within the body
- Repair joints
- Aid in digestion
- Boost metabolism
- Aid in iron absorption
- Help with wound healing
Recommended intake:
- 20s age group: Consume 1 pack every 2 days. Build up skin foundation.
- 30s age group: Consume 1 pack daily. Maintain youthful skin.
- 40s age group: Pair 1 pack daily with our Chicken Essence for a nourished and radiant complexion.
- Drink it directly (room temperature) or chilled
- Consume before breakfast or right before bed
Capacity: 6packs (65ml per pack)
Storage Method: Room temperature, store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight
[胶原蛋白] 是女性长期必备的美颜保养品
- 保养饮品专家 - 老协珍,耗时多年研发胶原蛋白饮品
- 以创新方式使用四款 [超级天然植物多酚]
- 强力锁住胶原蛋白精华!为美颜胶原蛋白饮品再创下崭新开端
- 成分: 甜菜根、水、无花果、胶原蛋白胜肽、山楂、西印度櫻桃
- 20世代:2天1包美颜饮,打造润泽美颜基础
- 30世代:每日1包美颜饮,维持光泽水嫩肌
- 40世代:每日1包美颜饮,可搭配鸡精,美颜效果更显著
- 空腹或睡前饮用一包
- 早晨空腹饮用,开启美颜亮采活力
- 睡前饮用,预约隔日光采美丽
容量: 共6包(每包65毫升)
保存方式: 常温保存,存放在阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射