15% OFF at Lobby Lounge, Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel
15% OFF Total Dining Bill
Reservation at https://www.eat2eat.com/SWBooking/Pages/Reservation.aspx?relId=MgAyADgAMgA%3d&lang=0&pro=0&src=IPS
15% OFF at Lobby Lounge, Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel
15% OFF Total Dining Bill
Reservation at https://www.eat2eat.com/SWBooking/Pages/Reservation.aspx?relId=MgAyADgAMgA%3d&lang=0&pro=0&src=IPS
Terms and Conditions
1. Payment must be made with a Maybank Credit or Debit Card.
2. Reservations must be made at least two (2) days in advance.
3. Not valid with other discounts, promotions, privileges, coupons or vouchers.
4. Not valid on eves of and on Public Holidays, special occasions as deemed by the hotel including but not limited to Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Thanks giving and etc.
5. Subject to other terms and conditions imposed by Lobby Lounge, Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel.